Why You Should Use VoIP Technology

voip technologyBefore I can answer what VoIP technology is I should explain what this system really is. Unfortunately none can tell you what VoIP technology really is, you have to see and try it for yourself. Basically this system provides a new way of making phone calls. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and the difference between this and a normal telephone system is that you can make cheaper or even free calls and the best part is that you don’t even need the “phone” part because you can communicate without a telephone set.

Using VoIP technology is a new trend, more people are using it because of the cost, it’s cheaper than a regular telephone system and all you need to use it is a computer, a microphone, speakers and of course a good internet connection.

These properties extend to mobile and home phone. Why should you use a VoIP service? Sometimes is free, sometimes it’s not. We can assess the free part just by explaining that VoIP uses an already existing infrastructure using an IP protocol so you can still access it without additional costs. Of course the money part comes in when you want to replace the PSTN service completely, but still it’s much cheaper than standard phone calls, sometimes you can reduce your telephone bill with more than 90%. The nature of the call and the services offered can represent the underlying factors for determining the valance of the call, it it’s free or not.

VoIP is a revolutionary technology that can completely change the face of phone systems in the world. Many providers are growing steadily and just like the internet in the early 90’s, people are starting to see more and more advantages of this system because in the first place it is a reliable, can generate income and can save you a lot of money.

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