How to Make Business Intelligence More Successful

BUSINESS INTELLIGENCEThe costs for Business Intelligence can be expensive, but the functionality goes beyond this aspect, it goes beyond time spent researching, implementing and maintaining a Business Intelligence  investment. Time is very valuable, next I will try to elicit a few tips on how to successfully implement Business Intelligence software.

Your tools are your friends for Business Intelligence

Selecting the most effective and efficient business intelligence tool can help in your quest to extend it throughout the enterprise. So try expanding your perspective and think about a way in which BI can be accessed through a third party, look into the availability of BI as an embedded capability within enterprise applications such as ERP and CRM. The BI products offered to providers will be much easier to learn if users are more familiar with your enterprise applications.

Operational can be overrated

The most promising areas of BI are the automat data collection, assembly and delivery process. This new idea is validated by the data generated by the business process that lend themselves to automated analysis and even decision making on the basis of that analysis. The main idea is that the application will automatically asses analyze and asses the fluctuations in currency rates for example and initiate trades based on those decisions.

Adaptable settings

Reading a big manual or a huge dissertation thesis can be time consuming and sometimes boring when training your employees. The learning process should encompass interactive help tools to act as important guidelines, like tutorials and other components that can facilitate their usability. Data relevance will keep the user on board, displaying information relevant only to the functionality on the main screen should be the first popup that will appear on screen when users log in for the first time on this software. Only then the users should be able to customize and save the settings that adapt to their personal needs.

Some criteria are not negotiable

Separate the components and objects that you must have from others that are just nice to have.

Cleaner is better

The project will be much easier to implement if the data is clean, this means that the data is validated, verified, assessed and checked so that the confidence level and trust in the data will facilitate better decision making.


One question at a time, having a big data at your fingertips can be overwhelming and intoxicating. After you explore the data you can be tempted to combine all of your findings into a single dashboard and this can lead to a lot of confusion. So answering one question at a time or set of closely related questions will help people pay more attention to the reports. So it is better to create separate dashboards for your sales pipeline and closed sales.

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